MY "TO DO LIST" FOR 2014...

I come from a long line of list makers.  My mother was one.  My father and sisters jot down their daily tasks to accomplish as well.  I do too.....on cute note pads with colored pens or on fluorescent post-it notes designed to remind me to actually LOOK at what it is I am supposed to do.  I then clip said notes and lists to either the inside pocket of my purse or my school paper and go on my merry way.  I sometimes even get all techy and use the reminder app on my iPhone to compose a list. 

If only accomplishing what is on my list were as easy as making the list.  I get distracted, sidetracked, interrupted, and exhausted as time goes by and will often "put things off until tomorrow" instead of doing what I've outlined for each day.  Call me the Queen of Procrastinators. 

But this year I am going to really try to be a "do-er" vs. a "put-it-off-er."  This link up is going to help me and hold me accountable.  Or at least I hope so!  Here goes.....


Now that my children are young adults in their twenties, it is often hard to schedule quality family time together.  My son works for the Detroit Lions in media relations and my daughter is a senior in college at Ohio Northern University.  She lives one hour south of me, and my son lives one hour north. 
This arrangement makes Sunday dinners together a little tricky, but my goal is to take turns driving to see each child on the weekend to take them out to eat and/or deliver a care package of their favorite things.  May the weather this winter and the condition of my aging car both cooperate to make this happen!  If not, I will have to rely on the U.S. Postal Service to make my motherly deliveries!
Link up with your hopeful list of things you'd like to do in with your family in 2014 or leave your ideas in the comments below!  I'd love to hear from you!


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