Together We Are Better Linky--Parent Communication

Happy "Lesson Planning Sunday" Friends!

On the eve of Teacher Appreciation Week, I am just dropping in to link up with my
my friend Angie from Mrs. Olson's Lucky Little Learners to share a FREE template that I hope will help you communicate more effectively and positively with your parent community!  After you've downloaded it, be sure to hop over to her blog to read about all of her fabulous ideas and link up with your own!

I try to send home these weekly newsletters every Monday to keep families informed and involved as my partners in education.  A child who is mentored at home is going to be more successful in school, and providing parents with specific tips and ideas on how to help their son or daughter in each subject area has proven to be very effective for me over the course of my 23-year teaching career.

Be sure to grab the complete, 10-page editable PowerPoint file {HERE}!

You can also read more about how I use this resource
in my post over at 

I'm off to pack by bookbag and lay out my clothes for tomorrow now! 
I'm teaching without my student mentee for the first time in five months, and
I've got to bring my best to Room #2 in the morning!

 Know that I wish you awesome days ahead, and hope you'll stop back often throughout this week for
some other special events and giveaways that I am participating in!

Until then, keep calm, teach on, and know that the work you do truly
is important in the life of a child!