All of the above are sure signs that SPRING is just around the corner.....despite tonight's forecast of more snow for my state! I am choosing to think positive though, and will wear bright colors today in celebration of the completion of my newest creative writing product! This one has been "in the works" for a long time, and is finally available in my TPT store! I am quite pleased with how it turned out, and especially like the pink-and-green color scheme! One of my students has rain boots that match, and giggles when I rave about them and ask her if I could please borrow them! I may just have to get myself an umbrella to match with big polka dots!
This unit is the first in my series of language arts skill packs, so be sure to "follow" my store in order to receive notifications when the related materials are finished and available for purchase! Know that I continue to be grateful for your patronage and readership! I hope that my ideas continue to help you "work smarter not harder" during this busy time of year!
The bright colors and whimsical fonts and chicks, bunnies, flowers, umbrellas, and ducks featured on each task card will inspire your students to write thoughtfully and creatively about a variety of spring subjects! I am so grateful to these graphic designers for their continued talent! I couldn't create without their great designs!
More about how this resource can be used effectively during your Writer's Workshop, as well as photos of how materials are best organized and displayed, will be part of another blog post later this week. My blogger buddy extraordinaire, Angie Olson from Lucky Little Learners, will also feature it on March 20th during The Primary Gal's Trade and Grade Blog Swap. Mark your calendar for this parade of great resources and "classroom-tested" reviews!
More about how this resource can be used effectively during your Writer's Workshop, as well as photos of how materials are best organized and displayed, will be part of another blog post later this week. My blogger buddy extraordinaire, Angie Olson from Lucky Little Learners, will also feature it on March 20th during The Primary Gal's Trade and Grade Blog Swap. Mark your calendar for this parade of great resources and "classroom-tested" reviews!
I can't wait to share how I am going to use her great bundle of cross-curricular, camping-themed learning activities with you! It is on sale now in her TPT store!

Thanks for stopping in to "think spring" with me today! May March ease out "like a lamb" soon so that "April showers can bring May flowers!"
Until then, continue to share your story, keep a smile on your face and hold a song in your heart!
Warm Regards,
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